Overall information: I know you can't tell me details about your product yet, but I want to know information about your ifnrastructure, that should not contain intellectual propery of company and yet might tell me something relevant about how you work. - What kind of build system do you use? - What kind of compiler do you use? - What is your git/versioning workflow? - How is the work organized? (jira tickets? ...) | OR imagine that new feature is wanted by the leadership, how it is told to the developers? how it is decided _who_ will work on it? - What is your relationship to 3rd party libraries? - Do you have CI? what is done in it? - In case bug is discovered, what is the process? Who fixes it? - Do you use static analysis? - How is merge review done? - Do you have design reviews? - Do you have something like coding guidelines/standard ? - Do you follow MISRA or similar standard? - For the overall architecture of the softwarem system, do you follow some known pattern (ie: actors, or micorservices) that we can talk about?