Dear students, My name is Jan Koniarik, and I am a doctoral student at FI. I want to inform you of an exciting opportunity for an internship at an open-source project that is related to computer graphics. This is something that would happen during the summer holidays. I am an extensive user of OpenSCAD, which is an open-source CAD. For the sake of this email, it is just a tool used to describe 3D shapes with a functional language. This tool is part of Google Summer of Code, where Google organizes internships at various open-source projects. In case the internship is successful, Google will pay you a scholarship. OpenSCAD is a regular member of this event and has good experience with mentoring students. They listed multiple topics that some students can choose, and there is room for a choice of custom topic. The work would also be demanding somehow in C++ knowledge. I am personally interested in this as I am a regular user of this tool (at an advanced level, so I miss some features). I want to offer this to our students as I believe this is a good experience on multiple levels. In case you are interested, please do contact me for more questions, and I can also get you in contact with OpenSCAD authors. That by itself is something you have to do anyway. Important dates are present at GSOC timeline: Jan Koniarik